Sturt Group Operations Support

The Sturt Group Operations Support Teams are made up of members from Sturt Group Brigades operating out of Cherry Gardens and Belair Stations.

As the size and complexity of incidents grow the outcome is very dependent not only on the number of resources we can mobilise, but also on how effectively we can coordinate those resources. This requires good communication, planning and logistics.

Sturt Group Operations support members play a significant part in this coordination, not just for the five Sturt Group Brigades, but also for the wider CFS organisation.

Thankfully, we have not had a very significant incident in our area for some time, however training and planning for small through to large incidents is critical given the increased frequency and severity of bushfires and other extreme weather events.

Some of the tasks performed by the Operations Support Team:

  • Radio communication and logging (recording) during incidents.
  • Providing information to responding crews.
  • Conduct paging as requested by Incident Control.
  • Source additional equipment needed for operations, such as bulldozers or loaders.
  • Provide welfare/catering for fire-fighters engaged at an incident.
  • Assist and provide weather forecasts and mapping requests.
  • Liaison with Regional and other CFS personal.
  • Supply local knowledge and support for incoming Incident Management personnel.
  • Assist with the dispatch of Strike Teams from the Sturt Group to other areas.
  • Participate in training and planning to improve future operational performance.

If you thinking about joining please reach out to us using details on the Join page. We will then happy explain any aspects of being a CFS member with the Sturt Group Operations Support Team. Then if you are still interested we can arrange to give you a guided tour of our facilities and meet the rest of the team.

Location: Belair  and Cherry Gardens Fire Stations
Number of Crew: 20
Regular training night: Belair – Friday 19:30 and Cherry Gardens – Monday 19:30